Wow, it is already December 30th here in Japan. 2008 has been a great year for the Perrys due to the fact that Conor Michael joined us in September. I am awestruck. I was worried because I felt such a connection to Ronan after he was born and he is such a Momma's boy that I wondered if I could love my second child just as much. My mom told me I could and I would and she was right. I am so in love with this beautiful baby boy. He looks just like Ronan did as a baby. He looks just like his daddy. He looks like my sister did when she was a baby.
Our time here in Japan is speeding by quickly. We are waiting for confirmation as to where Josh will get stationed next. Ronan is moving into his spring semester of preschool. He absolutely loves it. Josh and I are looking forward to going back up to Gotemba, Japan for Josh's birthday, attending the NAVFAC FE Seabee Ball in March and hopefully taking a family vacation to Okinawa before we leave here.
We have so much to be thankful for this past year and in the coming new year. We look forward to visiting all of our family and close friends once we are stateside again.
Everyone have a Happy and Safe New Year celebration!
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