Saturday, July 30, 2005


Hi All
Still out of town visiting family in Louisiana. Shreveport to be exact. Shreveport is in the Northwest corner of the state nowhere near New Olreans, which is the city most people think of when they hear of Louisiana. But it is hot like New Orleans. Louisiana is experiencing a hot hot summer. I forgot how hot and uncomfortable it could be down here. My California baby sweats daily and has gotten heat rash. But since being here a month, he has adapted well. Speaking of my baby, he is now one year old and is getting his top front teeth right now. Poor little guy is tough but you can tell the teeth breaking the gums is uncomfortable to him. He is toddling around all over the place. So many people stop in amazement that he is walking just because (I think) because he is little so it seems like he shouldn't be walking.

Well, we have one more week in Louisiana with family then its back to sunny CA. I have to say I am looking forward to getting back home, but we'll be traveling again before Josh gets home. Ronan and I are going to go up to Portland, OR to visit Josh's sister and her husband, who are also Ronan's God Parents. Pictures to be posted when we get back to Port Hueneme. Cheers!

Sunday, July 17, 2005


tHello to all our family and friends
Ronan and I have been out of touch because we are traveling in the south and don't have as much access to the internet as we would like. I am unable to access my main account resulting in a loss of many email addresses while on the road. I will be back in touch on a more regular basis upon our return to California.

Our travels first took us to Gulfport, Mississippi. Can you say "hello Hurricane Dennis"? That is exactly what we were saying as we were glued to the weather channel. Our trip was cut short by 2 1/2 days because we fled to Lafayette, Louisiana to miss Dennis and you know he didn't even strike Mississippi? I am glad for my friends who live there and also for Pennsacola, FL. That poor town (as are others) is still trying to recover from the last onslaught of hurricanes. Anyway, Ronan and I went to Lafayette and visited with Marie and Eric (college friends-Geaux Cajuns!) and got to go eat at Cafe Des Amis in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana. Can I tell you that this is my favorite restaurant in LA? If you ever get the chance to visit Acadiana go to Breaux Bridge and eat at Cafe Des Amis. You will not regret it. We did not make it to Tsunami in downtown Lafayette this trip, but I have eaten there before and it is delicious too.

My mother, who originally wanted Ronan to call her C.C. but is now going to be called Cookie, drove down with her friend and picked us up and drove us up to Shreveport. This is the city I grew up in. Lot's of business growth in Shreveport or S'Port for short. I got in touch with some friends and then Cookie, nan and I drove up to Rogers, Arkansas to visit with my oldest brother and his family. They have a pool in the backyard that we swam in all day today and tomorrow we will go out on their boat on Beaver Lake. Tim said he'll bring his camera along and snap some photos and I will try and post one if I can.

More of our travels in the south later.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Splish Splash!

Ronan LOVES to play in the water at bathtime.
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Hi Everyone

Well, Ronan is not 1 yet, but he will be on July 8th. Since a lot of our battalion friends are leaving this summer we had a prebirthday celebration. The party was also for Ronan's friends Sarah (born 7/4/04) and Justin (born 7/8/04). Their mothers and I were pregnant at the same time. Justin and Ronan were even born at the same hospital, right next door to each other.

Daddy is still in Southwest Asia and is missing another "first" in Ronan's life, but I have decided that no matter how long Ronan's hair might get I am not going to cut it. That way Josh can take him for his first haircut. Now if you look closely at the photo of Ronan, the likelyhood of him having super long hair when daddy returns is pretty slim. But we'll see. I'll be sure and post a photo of Ronan a day or two before Josh's scheduled return.

All is well with us. Enjoying the delightful Southern California summer. Josh reports temps as high as 122 degrees where he is and C.C. (my mom) reports hot and humid temps in Louisiana.

That's all for now. Love to all our family and friends.
Kristin and Ronan

1st Birthday Celebration

Happy Birthday to me! Posted by Picasa