Saturday, July 30, 2005


Hi All
Still out of town visiting family in Louisiana. Shreveport to be exact. Shreveport is in the Northwest corner of the state nowhere near New Olreans, which is the city most people think of when they hear of Louisiana. But it is hot like New Orleans. Louisiana is experiencing a hot hot summer. I forgot how hot and uncomfortable it could be down here. My California baby sweats daily and has gotten heat rash. But since being here a month, he has adapted well. Speaking of my baby, he is now one year old and is getting his top front teeth right now. Poor little guy is tough but you can tell the teeth breaking the gums is uncomfortable to him. He is toddling around all over the place. So many people stop in amazement that he is walking just because (I think) because he is little so it seems like he shouldn't be walking.

Well, we have one more week in Louisiana with family then its back to sunny CA. I have to say I am looking forward to getting back home, but we'll be traveling again before Josh gets home. Ronan and I are going to go up to Portland, OR to visit Josh's sister and her husband, who are also Ronan's God Parents. Pictures to be posted when we get back to Port Hueneme. Cheers!


Rebecca said...

I am glad to hear the trip is going well! It's amazing how time passes so quickly. Before you know it, you'll be up here visiting with us. We're very excited to see both of you!! I only have 1 day (Sunday) left of my first clerkship, then it's sweet vacation for me! I'll talk to you soon.

JPerry said...

I can't wait to see you guys. It's only 2 and a half months now. Time keeps on slipping along.