Sunday, July 03, 2005

Hi Everyone

Well, Ronan is not 1 yet, but he will be on July 8th. Since a lot of our battalion friends are leaving this summer we had a prebirthday celebration. The party was also for Ronan's friends Sarah (born 7/4/04) and Justin (born 7/8/04). Their mothers and I were pregnant at the same time. Justin and Ronan were even born at the same hospital, right next door to each other.

Daddy is still in Southwest Asia and is missing another "first" in Ronan's life, but I have decided that no matter how long Ronan's hair might get I am not going to cut it. That way Josh can take him for his first haircut. Now if you look closely at the photo of Ronan, the likelyhood of him having super long hair when daddy returns is pretty slim. But we'll see. I'll be sure and post a photo of Ronan a day or two before Josh's scheduled return.

All is well with us. Enjoying the delightful Southern California summer. Josh reports temps as high as 122 degrees where he is and C.C. (my mom) reports hot and humid temps in Louisiana.

That's all for now. Love to all our family and friends.
Kristin and Ronan

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